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What I Want to Be Eating (Read: Posting).

 Recently, I’ve been feeling a little down about this blog.  The last few months, I’ve been out of my gourd just trying to get through the days with all our summer traveling (to catch you up: we had a baby in March, moved across the country in May, hubs has had required USAF training continuously in multiple locations in June and July). We’ve been trapsing the little man up and down the East Coast like it’s no big deal.  Georgia, Pennsylvania, Ohio.. not much time to amaze the family with exciting meals, let alone give my readers anything yummy to look at. 
Then I thought, “Hey!  I’ll start a new series with reviews about natural and organic products and come up with great recipes to go with them.  Everyone will love that!  Comments will be pouring in!”  But comments did not pour in, and so I’ve been feeling a little down.  I am not sure anyone really reads the blog anymore besides my mom and maybe some TWDers (whom I love, obvi). 
Nevertheless, I still like the blog.  It motivates me to come up with new recipes at home and keeps me in the kitchen, even if I don’t get to post as much as I’d like to.  It gives me an outlet to write beyond the family blog.  So, whether or not anyone reads, I will keep up the posting.  I hope to continue with TWD and my new review series, but for now, please enjoy some mouth-watering photos from some blogs that I love.
These S’more Brownies and Grilled Corn Salad are both from Sugar Cooking.  Two very different recipes, but both give me that summer fun vibe.
 Garlic Mustard Glazed Skewers from The Way the Cookie Crumbles.  I want to call it decadent street food, is that okay?
Zucchini and Ricotta Galette from Smitten Kitchen and Squash Ribbon Salad from Ezra Pound Cake– reminds me of my garden’s zucchini surplus last year.  Hoping I can catch the second half of the long GA growing season when I get home.
Rick Bayless’ Bacon Tomato Guacamole from his new book, Fiesta at Rick’s (via Serious Eats) looks like a winner and reminds me of El Vez.  Must get this book!
  Kale chips.  Am I the last blogger on earth who hasn’t tried them?  Find these on Gimme Some Oven.
I’m a sucker for homemade barbecue sauce, and this one looks too good to pass up.  Sweet & Tangy BBQ Sauce from A Whisk and A Spoon.
Tiramisu Ice Cream from Tracey’s Culinary Adventures and Strawberry Sour Cream Ice Cream from Good Eats n Sweet Treats, both yummy ways to use my ice cream maker.
  I really want to be eating and posting these recipes, but let’s face it- you might beat me to it.
What are recipes are you drooling over right now?
12 Responses to “What I Want to Be Eating (Read: Posting).”
  1. says:

    I don’t post comments but I do use your recipes…very selfish of me…I’ll try to do better 🙂

  2. Stephanie says:

    I’m glad you’re going to keep it up. I stopped blogging when life got to busy and miss it a lot. And BTW – whenever there’s a new post from Oven Love coming up on my reader – it’s the first one I read.

  3. You know I’m always reading darling!

  4. Jeanne says:

    I always read your posts in my rss reader! But I don’t comment very often…how terrible of me. I’m happy you’ve decided to keep up the blogging, and I’ll try to be better at commenting.

    Oh, and I just finally made kale chips a couple weeks ago. They are delicious and addictive!

  5. Tessa says:

    I haven’t tried the kale chips either, so you’re not the only one 🙂 I agree that they look great!

    Glad you decided to keep blogging. I do love reading your posts!

  6. Natalie says:

    k…mom and jeanne: it’s encouraging to know you are still reading, albeit comment-free. 🙂

    steph and jess: you’re the best, love you both!

  7. Natalie says:

    Tessa, we must try the chips together! We’ll have a blog date. 🙂

  8. Ashley says:

    Love your blog!! I visit everyday waiting for a new recipe. Don’t stop!!!

  9. I’m always looking for some Oven Love! Keep up the awesome blogging lovely!

  10. deannah says:

    I don’t recall how I found your blog, but I’ve made several of the recipes. Any blogs I follow I do with my google reader so I never comment (except in rare circumstances like this), but I do enjoy it!

  11. Valen says:

    You have a great collection of recipes, maybe I will get around to actually trying some of them!

  12. Kathy says:

    You are the best…I know you did not get this creativity from me, but I am bursting with pride…keep up the great job