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My Favorites: Food Blogs and Websites

Part of the reason I got into food blogging was because I spent so much time looking at other food blogs. Lately, my Bloglines feed has been overflowing with wonderful blogs. Some blogs I’ve been following for a while, others I found more recently through Tuesdays with Dorie.

My Big Three:

– LOVE this site. If you’re into food photography, need inspiration or just want to drool over some delicious treats, this is the place to go. If you’re a food blogger, definitely start submitting your photos.

Serious Eats
– This blog is great for a whole range of updates. They cover food news, recipes.. everything that’s current in the food world.

Dinner Tonight
– If you follow my blog at all, you know I love a little Martha. This is such a great blog for quick meal ideas!

My favorite foodies:

I won’t go into detail on all of these blogs, but they’re each wonderful in their own way. I’m drawn in by their unique recipes, delightful photography and love for food. Please check out these blogs- you won’t be sorry!

101 Cookbooks
A Consuming Passion
A Whisk and A Spoon
Cafe Lynnylu
Culinary Concoctions by Peabody
Ezra Pound Cake
Good Eats ‘n Sweet Treats
Happy Home Baking
Mevrouw Cupcake
My Baking Addiction
Scrumptious Photography
Smitten Kitchen
Sunday Nite Dinner
Tender Crumb
The Omnomicon
The Way the Cookie Crumbles
wee treats by tammy

Please comment with any other great finds – i’d love to see some new blogs!

12 Responses to “My Favorites: Food Blogs and Websites”
  1. PheMom says:

    Thanks so much! Very sweet of you!

  2. PheMom says:

    I meant to add, that if you are looking for great dinner ideas, like I always am, two of my favorites off the top of my head are Picky Palate (Jenny) and My Kitchen Cafe (Melanie). They have so many great meal ideas and are fantastic gals! I didn’t see if you already had them in your list. Anyway, if you have any trouble finding them, they are both in the favorites list on my blog. Thanks again! 🙂

  3. Tammy says:

    thanks for the link Natalie! I am so pleased you like my blog

  4. Rebecca says:

    Wow, Natalie, thanks!

    If you haven’t already, you really need to check out The Pioneer for her recipes (always delicious) and stories. Hilarious. And I always love to check in on Chocolatechic.

  5. Lynnylu says:

    Thanks, Natalie. I’m honored you like my blog.

  6. kim says:

    thanks natalie:) i second the vote for pioneer woman. i also like la tartine gourmande and joy the baker.

  7. Jaime says:

    thanks so much for the mention! i’m so flattered 🙂

  8. Lori says:

    awwww, thanks so much! i’m so glad you enjoy my blog. i look forward to reading yours, too.

  9. Aww, thanks for linking me! That’s really cool!

    I’ve made tons of recipes from Baking Bites ( and they don’t disappoint! I’ve also been really big on “The art of pretentious eating for the bourgeoisie crowd” ( lately. She seems to have the same tastes for food as I, and I don’t usually find such an appealing mix in one place!

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