
A Better Oven Love: I Need Your Advice!

So here's the deal:

I want to make this the best blog possible, and that means the best experience for my readers. For that to happen, I need to know what you'd like to see. I have some questions for you..

-What do you like about Oven Love?
-What could I do better?
-Would you like to see product reviews? Step-by-step tutorials? Special event menus? More pictures? Guest blogs? Food trends/news? Chef bios? Giveaways? More interesting layout? Something else?
-Would you like to participate in a blog-along (a bunch of people trying the same recipe)?

Be brutally honest. Tell me anything, good or bad! Leave anonymous comments, whatever works. I just want to know how to maintain the blog in a way that benefits you! Any and all comments appreciated, please!


  1. Heya! I'll bite!

    I like your TWD and other baking posts, even though I don't participate myself--I get to live vicariously through your tantalizing processes! You put in just enough photos, they're lovely, and more to the point, so are your actual creations.

    I'd love to see low cal recipes, if you're into that thing . . . though I may be alone in my pining. I scour a bajillion blog posts a week looking for the one diety recipe that coincides with my taste.

    Ugh. Product reviews. If they're making you money, though, I say go for it. =)

    I don't do blog-alongs because I have a hard time squeezing in the stuff I select myself into my week. =(

    Um, I hope that feedback is useful!

  2. I think your blog is great. It seems like so much work to have a food blog and you have a good mix of many things that makes it great. I like the fact that it is uniquely yours without too many of all of those other things you mentioned. I think that is the fun part about a blog, to see your style and what you have to offer- and from what I have seen it's great. Thanks for sharing everything and good job!
