
Another Test Round and.. I picked a Name!

I'm getting closer and closer to finishing testing! I'm really excited to announce that our name, after much deliberation (and Googling), is Tickled Pink Cupcakery! I'm can't wait for things to take off- I've already got a few custom jobs lined up.

I promise that testing will be over soon.. I hope it's not annoying that I haven't been posting the recipes. I'm actually hoping to create a blog just for the business, so that I can bring the focus of this blog back to other recipes. Sound good?

The Sweet Tooth
(Vanilla Cake. Dulce de Leche Filling. Dulce de Leche Cream Cheese Frosting.)
The Good: tasty, moist. Very creamy icing and filling.
The Bad: Nothing seemed to special about this. I had hoped for a better flavor, something sweeter.
The Verdict: It's okay, but I don't think I'll use it for now. I might revisit the recipe later.

The Midnight Snack
(Vanilla Cake with Cookie Dough center. Cookie Dough Frosting. Homemade Cookie!)
The Good: It tastes exactly like cookie dough. I mean, it's on point.
The Bad: The chips in the icing made it hard to pipe, so I think I'll leave them out and sprinkle them on top. The cookie on top needs to be a bit chewier, and I think it could do for some more cookie dough inside.
The Verdict: Nick couldn't stop talking about it. And that's saying something, since a) he doesn't like sweets that much, and b) he's eaten like 50 cupcakes in the last two weeks. Definitely a winner!

The Boston Creme Pie
(Vanilla Cake. Creme Filling. Chocolate Ganache.)
The Good: Nice chocolatey taste, tasty creme inside.
The Bad: Like the Dulce, I felt like this wasn't anything remarkable. It needs more creme inside, and it's just not appealing visually.
The Verdict: Tabling this one until later. Don't see it as a big seller, visually.

A special thanks to everyone who's left comments, given advice, or helped me out in any way during this process so far. I'm so excited about Tickled Pink, and I hope you are, too!


  1. What a fun name! I hope it all goes well for you. I really wish I could be one of the people test-tasting. THAT sounds like a fun job! :)

  2. Hey, recipes notwithstanding, your presentation just leaps and bounds with every post! And anyway, I like the inspiration . . . I want to carry some of these ideas into another, non-cupcake medium. Hmmm.

    Cute name, btw, I love it! Light and playful, and just perfect for a purveyor of cupcake delights!
