
Wanna cook with me?

I know there are lots and lots of baking and cooking groups out there on the internet (Tuesdays with Dorie, You Want Pies With That?, Daring Bakers, Taste&Create, Iron Cupcake, just to name a few...). I think it's a great way to get to know other bloggers, learn more about cooking, and try new things.

Now, I'm just throwing this out there, but I was thinking about hosting a blog-along, maybe once a month, focused on foods we would normally buy pre-made. I'm thinking condiments, snacks, cereals, sauces.. all of the stuff that we know we could make from scratch, but we just don't have the time or we don't even think about it. Some ideas:

-Granola/Granola Bars
-Pita Chips/ Potato Chips/ Snack Mixes
-Our favorite packaged cookies and sweet treats
-Nut butters
-Cereals (I found a recipe for homemade Cinnamon Toast Crunch!)
-Pasta sauces

These are just some ideas.. I'd love to hear what you'd like to make, and if you're interested in baking and cooking along with me. I think it would be a fun adventure, and pretty low key compared to some other groups. I'd like to get to know my readers a little more, and I think this would be a fun way to do it. What do you think?


  1. Natalie - I am SO torn on this! As it is I spend at least 20 hours a week on my blog (I know, I'm a slow blogger), and I'm dedicated to the two-recipes-a-week model, so I'm not sure if I can accomodate extra stuff in there. And then on top of that I thought I'd coordinate the recipe round-robin thing. Sometimes I get too excited and move too fast, hehe.

    On the other hand, what an awesome idea! If you end up making this work, let me know and I'll see how full my plate is at the moment!

  2. I think this sounds like an awesome idea! I am really new to the world of food blogging so I still have time to add on more things ;). It would be great to learn how to make so many of the things we take for granted.

    I loved your ideas for stuff to make...other ideas could include: pickles, apple butter/other fruity spreads, barbecue sauce (maybe made from our homemade ketchup?)

    Keep me posted on this - if you do it, I'm in!

  3. I love that idea and I would definitely participate.

  4. I like the spin you put on things, by suggesting the idea of learning how to make things we normally buy pre-packaged. I'm in!

  5. MARSHMALLOWS. oh my gosh, they are a bit of work to make, but homemade marshmallows are so good (:

    i like your ideas (and the ones from from other comments) too!

  6. I wanna cook with you! A great way to connect across state lines and make great stuff together. I have a great granola recipe. Tried and true..as well as a granola bar recipe, but I haven't tried that one yet. So excited!

  7. Yes! I would participate. Have made my own granola bars for teh boys in my life often.

  8. I want to join in if you'll have me...cause everyone who knows our family, knows that the cooking gene skipped my generation and went right to Natalie

  9. I'd like to try something like this, count me in!

  10. Hi! I'm not sure if I could commit to anything too consistent, but I love the idea! I just made peanut butter a few weeks ago and it was easy and delicious! Check it out:


    Can't wait to try your spaghettios! Love the blog!
