
Homemade Spaghetti-O's!

In honor of the new Pre-Made, Our Way challenge, I created a recipe for homemade Spaghetti-O's. Well, the idea actually started at Trader Joe's (love that place!). Nick saw some little ring shaped pasta, Anelletti, and thought of Spaghetti-O's immediately. So I accepted his challenge and created a recipe.

Now, it's been a long time since I've had the canned version, but this version tastes much like I remember. I'll have to arrange a side-by-side taste test.. maybe do a meatball version, too! I highly recommend this recipe if you've got a Trader Joe's around- kids or no kids. :)

Homemade Spaghetti-O's
(I know this recipe isn't too exact, but relax- taste it as you go along, and do what you like. Have fun and be flexible!)

6 cups canned tomato sauce
3-4 cups water
2-3 teaspoons garlic powder (depending on how garlicky you like it)
1 lb bag anelletti (ring shaped pasta- you could use any small pasta- alphabet or stars would be fun!)
1-1 1/2 cup sharp cheddar cheese, shredded (fresh shredded is best!)
1/4-1/2 cup milk
2 tbs butter
salt, to taste

1. Combine tomato sauce, water and garlic powder in a large pot. Bring to a boil.
2. When the tomato mixture is boiling, add the pasta to the pot. Cook, stirring frequently (the pasta is tiny, so it's easy to stick to the bottom) for about 20 minutes, or until the pasta is soft.
3. Stir in cheese until melted. Add milk, butter and salt to taste. Taste it, check it out, see how you like the flavors. Then enjoy it!


  1. Sounds delicious and is probably way better than the canned version. I haven't had any in a long long time, but as I recall the meatballs tasted pretty gross and little weird.

  2. yeah, I'm pretty sure the meatballs weren't actually made of meat. that's definitely weird.

  3. VERY clever, I would never have thought of re-creating spaghetti-0's, but I'll bet the grandkids will love them.

  4. this sounds good! i used to love spaghettios as a kid and teenager and used to even eat them cold out the can...but i bought some recently and they dont taste the same. I think the sauce is a little watery or something. so even if you did a side by side taste test, they would not even be close....

  5. My sister loves Spaghetti-O's, so I'll definitely be sending her this recipe!

    Did I mention she's 24? Some things you just never outgrow.

  6. I never liked Spaghetti O's because they were too fake tasting. And too much salt. Having said that I LOVE YOUR SPAGHETTI O's. I already wrote down the recipe as I know my kids will go wild over it. Great job. You made something average into SUPER!

  7. My husband is a SpaghettiOs addict, so I must make this! Thanks so much for sharing. I posted a link on my edible crafts column at craftgossip.com, if that's OK. (ediblecrafts.craftgossip.com). Wonderful!!!

  8. Haha... What would I do without the internet. Who would've thought someone would recreate Spaghettios! Thank you! They have been a favorite of mine since childhood (I'm 27 now)... but I would love to make a healthier version. I'm excited to try yours!

  9. I just made this, and it was fantastic! I did have to cook the noodles a long time though and add water once. Many, many thanks for this!

  10. This is so awesome! My DD is an alpheghetti addict and I have been loojing for a homemade version to give her.

    This sounds great and so much healthier than the canned version!


  11. To get a taste kind of close to the canned taste I actually added a dash of chili powder, and a slight drizzle of sesame oil. It gave it that xtra kick, lol.

  12. Thank you for a great recipe! I am not a fan of Speghetti-Os but my kids are. They have food allergies so we don't do a lot of store-bought processed foods. Thanks for satisfying their craving in a much healthier way!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Any thoughts or trial runs making this ahead and freezing in small portions?

  15. So I tried your recipe, with a few tweaks to fit what I had on hand, and it turned out awesome! I halved the recipe and instead of O noodles and Cheddar cheese, I used a box of Macaroni and Cheese :) Quite yummy! I also added onion powder and black pepper. Super quick and easy. This is going to become a household staple for us definitely.
    Thank you!

  16. Sounds easy enough. My kids love spaghetti-o's so this a must try recipe.

    Not sure how you would do the meatballs. If I remember right they were some kind of processed meat. Maybe make small meatballs and bake them first. Or just cut up a few hotdogs.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. "yeah, I'm pretty sure the meatballs weren't actually made of meat. that's definitely weird."

    Not true. Here is the list of ingredients in parentheses after "meatballs": (Beef, Pork, Water, Bread Crumbs [Enriched Flour (Wheat Flour, Niacin, Ferrous Sulfate, Thiamine Mononitrate, Riboflavin, Folic Acid), Dextrose, Salt, Yeast, Soybean Oil], Soy Protein Concentrate, Salt, Dehydrated Onion, Dehydrated Garlic, Beef Flavor [Beef Stock, Flavoring, Salt], Spice Extract)

    Pretty standard stuff, save the flavoring enhancers.

    Found here: https://www.wegmans.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ProductDisplay?langId=-1&storeId=10052&catalogId=1&productId=370391

  19. Hello Dear,
    You have been provided great recipe over here... really I like your recipe very much and I'm going to try it out. I think it's so simple to do this recipe. Keep posting such an interesting recipes over here... I'm looking for some more recipes from you.

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  20. Just made this recipe for dinner tonight! It was delicious. I love the original Spaghettios, and this tasted very similar, but with better quality ingredients and less squishy O's. I added precooked frozen turkey meatballs to the pot, and I also added about 1/2 cup of ketchup to cut the bitterness of the sharp cheddar cheese. Excited for the many leftovers to come. :)

  21. great recipe!!! I made this today and my kids are already asking me when I'm going to make it again before they're finished eating it, lol.

  22. My 8 year old and I made this for dinner tonight. :) I helped her make sure she'd integrated everything and showed her how to not burn herself on the pot. She tested as went and picked what spices to add or not add, whether it needed more water, milk, etc.. she had a blast. :) The only small ringed pasta I could find at the store were tubetinni--as a heads up, these are almost TOO small!

  23. This is a nice dish shared here. Great post indeed.

  24. Indeed a very interesting blog. Read a pleasure. Cognitive information that is very good.

  25. Just made this with the gluten free anellini for my 2 year old with celiacs disease. I had to cut the recipe way back. It was a huge hit, she kept saying yum and more. Thanks so... much!

  26. I hope you don't mind, but I copied your recipe to my blog, with a link to your blog in the posting as well. I had to go gluten free last year and since then, I haven't been able to eat the canned version anymore. I wish I had made yours completely, but I made a hybrid version of yours and another. Came out more like Chef Boyardee, but still good.

    One thing I really do different is, instead of adding any salt, I use fresh grated Parmesan cheese after it is in the bowl. My wife and I have gone that for years and it tastes awesome!

    Next time I make any Spaghetti-o
    s at home, I will definitely follow your recipe to a "T". I jsut didn't have much time and I bought an ingredient from another recipe like yours.

  27. I have not had any in a long long time, but as I recall the meatballs .

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  29. Made this today for my 3 year old picky eater, who likes spaghettios in a can, but scarfed down this home made version. The 36 year old husband who said, "I'm only gonna have a bite, I don't want to eat spaghettios for dinner" also ate the whole bowl I gave him. Thanks!

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  35. I do not like the canned version and never have. My kids love them though. So I figured I'd make up this recipe to save me money at the store from those high in SODIUM canned ones. I taste tested this before dishing up for the kids and I had the first BOWL!! I love them! My kids are happily eating their bowl full! My sister and her children love the canned version too. I must share this recipe with her!

  36. I love Spaghetti O's - even the ones with meatballs. In college, I would eat them out of the can between classes (like the other poster mentioned). Yum!

    I've purchased them occasionally when they're on sale and they taste just as good, even straight out of the can. But I do like the idea of this version as those canned products are full of salt, etc.

  37. I am so excited to try this recipe! I love Spaghetti-O's and the ones with the weenies...mmm. I ate them straight outta the can. So bad, but I've been looking around for a recipe to try, so thanks!

  38. I just made this today, and it was great! The kids gobbled it up. I'll definitely be making it again! Only change I made was adding some italian seasoning. Yum!

  39. Wow! Just made this super quickly and it was fantastic! I added some leftover meatloaf-it was perfect. Thanks for the wonderful recipe! :) It's a redo for sure.

  40. I will definitely be trying this recipe! Spaghetti-o's is my BIG craving when I am pregnant. I have eaten 2 cans in the last week!

    Thank you for a great new recipe to try.

  41. This was delish! Glad to have found it on pinterest!

  42. I just made this for my blog and it was perfectly Spaghetti-oish without being gross. Thank you!

  43. Dear Oven Love,

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for taking the time to figure out this recipe.
    Not long ago, I was bombarded with what is in our pre-made foods, and started a quest to feed myself and my family better. From scratch seemed the way to go. It has been pure joy learning how to cook from scratch, and it feels great to know what is in our foods :)
    However, when we started our new lifestyle, we left something behind....our beloved Spaghett'Os. My children longed for them, and kept asking until finally one day, I began searching. Thats when I came across your spaghetti'O recipie!
    My family and I LOOOOVE this recipie. Its a great hearty meal, and perfect to mix and match with veggies and cheeses.
    Thank you so much!

  44. Wow I made this today and it was awesome. I added sliced nitrate/nitrite free turkey hotdogs at the same time as the pasta. It was so good. In pregnant with twins so it was a healthier alternative, and will be great for the twins once they're here.
