
We interrupt this Green Series...

Back in September, shortly after I started Oven Love, my sweet husband wrote a little poem for me. He found it this afternoon, and gave me his permission to share it with you!

Ode To My Oven Love(r)
(by Mr. Oven Love)

Everyday with thrift and zeal,
She crafts the "bloggy" kind of meal;
Martha gives her inspiration,
Nattle* adds some perspiration,**
Love and skill combine to form
A dinner that is sure to warm
The spirits of a weary man
Better than the TV can.
Table set for two, not three;
She must take after Sandra Lee.
Plates leave the kitchen nigh complete,
Presentation must be neat,
For while its all still piping hot,
The Canon's sure it get its shot
For the meal's not just for me,
But for the World Wide Web to see.

I'm a lucky lady.

Happy Sunday!

*He calls me Nattle for Natalie.
**I really don't sweat that much, but perspiration rhymes with inspiration.