
Bite Size Pop Tarts

I'm so excited to share this post with you!

There's been lots of excitement amongst Oven Lovers about this month's PMOW (Pre-Made, Our Way) Challenge for homemade Pop Tarts, and rightfully so. Most people love this breakfast treat, but a lot of people don't buy them because they're filled with preservatives, HFCS and who knows what else. I'm definitely in that camp, so I was excited to make test these out at home.

I decided to make bite size Pop Tarts in two flavors: Frosted Strawberry and Brown Sugar Cinnamon (clearly not for creativity's sake- these were my favorite flavors as a child).

The dough came together fairly easily in my food processor. I used all butter, though the recipe calls for shortening as half of the fat (I don't believe in shortening). It also rolled out nicely. I made the brown sugar filling (pictured above, taking my cue from Rob) with powdered sugar, brown sugar, egg white, ground almonds and some cinnamon. The strawberry filling is just strawberry preserves.

I chose to press down the edges with my fingers and trim them instead of crimping the edges for a more authentic Pop Tart look. I also threw them in the freezer for a bit before baking. The recipe made 13 miniature Pop Tarts.

The Pop Tarts are a great size for sharing or entertaining. As I was baking, I started getting some great ideas running through my head for a kitschy breakfast themed party with little bite sized breakfast treats.. don't be surprised if you see more breakfast minis in the future!

I was hoping that I had sealed the Pop Tarts well enough to prevent leakage, but a little filling did manage to sneak out- more from the Brown Sugar Cinnamon than from the Strawberry. After they cooled down a bit, I glazed them. Frosted Strawberry got a powdered sugar and milk glaze with sprinkles, and Brown Sugar Cinnamon got the glaze with a little cinnamon mixed in.

I've tasted the strawberry one, and so far, I like the results! I think the next time I make them I might add a little sugar to the dough for a little extra sweetness. They're cute as a button and taste a lot like the originals- definitely worth it!

If you'd like to join in and make this month's Pop Tarts, there's still time! I'm accepting entries until Sunday, May 30 at midnight. I hope you'll join us! Click here for the recipe.

*a P.S. to my PMOW participants: feel free to take the badge and put it on your blog!


  1. I love the minis! I only got 4 biggies out of the recipe, so it would have been nice to divide them more that way.

    I'm going to have to figure out how to add badges to my blog soon so I can put it up!

  2. Aww so very cute! I wish I had time to make some.

  3. Your Pop Tarts are adorable! Great idea to make them bite size... they look fantastic! :)

  4. Oh! Sooo cute! I love anything mini (you get to eat more! :) and I love these! You are sooooo creative.
