
PheMOMenon's Summertime Memories - Cherry Gelato and Funnel Cakes

Oven Love is excited to welcome Holly of PheMomenon to guest post today. Enjoy her summer treat!

Growing up in a small town in Wyoming, there were really two things that always said "SUMMER" to me - quite probably because they were usually my two favorite events of the summer.

First, we would always take a trip to visit family here in Utah (which is probably the main reason I moved here) and it was almost always the main highlight of my summer. We would play outside in the sun - much warmer than Wyoming - and we would eat lots and lots of ice cream.

This CHERRY GELATO I made last summer really caught my eye because of all the summers I spent in Utah. My relatives house has a big cherry tree in the front yard and it was so stunning and gorgeous to me. There is just something so amazing about fruit bearing trees in my opinion.

The other highlight of summertime for me growing up was always the County Fair - since it was Wyoming and all it came complete with rodeos, concerts, demolition derbies, booths, games, rides, etc. - pretty much just like in the movies. Add to that that the town, usually roughly around the same time, would hold street dances - where they would rope off a section of the streets in town and there was literally dancing and music in the streets - and barbecues in the park and it really isn't any big surprise that it was my favorite local event of the summer.

Of course, a main draw to the fair for me (yes, besides seeing and being seen - it was a small town after all, so this was where everyone went to flirt!) was the FOOD! There is just something about a fair that makes everything taste better. Not the least of which would be getting a funnel cake when they had them.

I just got home from three days in the town where I grew up. I was visiting my oldest friend, literally my BFFL. I've known her since first grade, and though we didn't really become close friends until high school, she has been a part of my world for as long as I can really remember.

It was so great to see her and her family. It was wonderful to watch our kids play together and have so much fun and build memories of their own.

If I could send out one wish to all of you it would be to have a summer like this - with sunny days having fun and building memories with your families and friends - maybe evening sharing a funnel cake or two and getting the sugar all over your clothes - or eating a big bowl of homemade ice cream. After all, there is a reason they always say the simple things in life are often the best.

Thanks for having me guest blog Natalie! I hope your vacation is fantastic!

Choux Funnel Cakes
- Approximately 10 depending on size - mine were about 6 inches across
1 cup (8 fl oz) water (240 ml)
100 grs (3 ½ oz) unsalted butter
¾ cup (112 ½ grs / 4 oz) plain all-purpose flour
5 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 Tablespoon sugar
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/8 teaspoon ground ginger

Confectioners' sugar for dusting, if desired

Place the water and butter in a saucepan over high heat and bring to the boil. In a small bowl whisk together the flour, sugar, cinnamon and ginger. Add flour mixture and beat with a wooden spoon until smooth. Cook, stirring over low heat until the mixture leaves the side of the pan. Remove from the heat.

Place in an electric mixer and beat on high, gradually adding the eggs until well combined. Beat in the vanilla.

Once all eggs have been added and mixture is smooth, put dough in a piping bag fitted with a number 12 tip. Heat about 1 1/2 inches of oil in a heavy pan. Pipe dough into oil, making a free-form lattice pattern; cook until browned, flipping once. Remove cake from oil, drain on paper towels, and top with powdered sugar. Continue until all of the batter is used.


  1. Oh yum!!!! Funnel cakes are my summer fair favorite! Top it with cherry gelato and we are talking heaven in my mouth:)
