
TWD Fail: Pineapple-Roasted Coconut Dacquoise

The last few days in the kitchen have been a series of fails.

Left bagels in fridge longer than last time, didn't bake properly. FAIL.
Dropped a hot pan on my arm and got burnt. FAIL.
Cut my finger while slicing a bagel. FAIL.
Making this TWD recipe. FAIL.

It's cool, though.  I usually have such good luck in the kitchen, and maybe it's just my time to have a few fails in a row and get them out of the way.

So the fail here was in the ganache.  I sort of botched it from the start, using half and half instead of cream, and not measuring the correct ratio to reflect the recipe.  I was just kind of hoping for the best.  Maybe I didn't wait for it to cool long enough, or maybe it was the half and half.  Who knows.

I made 1/4 of the recipe, and made little rounds of meringue, which only took about 1 hour to bake.  And I cheated by using canned pineapple, since I already had them in the pantry.  The components of the recipe taste good, they just didn't play well together.

I haven't tasted it yet, but it made for some fun drippy pictures!  Hope everyone else had better luck. :)

*Find the recipe here - Andrea's dacquoise looks just like Dorie's!
**Tuesdays with Dorie is a group of bloggers baking through Dorie Greenspan's Baking: From My Home to Yours.


  1. Oh dear. Blame it on the half-and-half. It doesn't have enough fat for a ganache. Sorry.

  2. Definitely the half n half (though you don't need me to tell you that after Dorie!) I only made ganache with half n half once. And it looked alot like your pic. :(

  3. So it was the half and half, I know. I just didn't want to admit it. :)

  4. And yet... it looks so cute. Suddenly, I'm craving pancakes.

  5. this one was harder than most of the twd recipes for me, i thought i was doomed every single step of the way. it ended up turning out ok though. better luck next week hopefully. :)

  6. I wouldn't call it a fail - I'm sure I could scoop up that ganache in no time! Your meringue is very pretty; it must have sure tasted good.

  7. I have days (weeks, months...) like that sometimes, too. One time I managed to cut three fingers in one afternoon. I'm sure your luck will turn around soon.

  8. Hey! We learn the best from mistakes. It's better to try than not try and all that.

  9. Oh - I SO want to do little individual ones next time I make this recipe! I think they would be perfect party desserts!

  10. Sorry it didn't work out the way you wanted it to but I don't think it's a fail if it ended up tasting good! It sure looks good! I like the idea of individual servings and especially in circles!

  11. My experience was very similar here except I used milk, which is even worse than half and half, and then froze it in an attempt to be less droopy...

    We just cut it in smaller pieces and even though messy, the result was still pretty good.

  12. Aww! You just didn't realize you were making a sauce for your meringues!

  13. Well I'm sorry to hear that your ganache was a bit runny but it made beautiful pictures:)
