
PB&J Ice Cream

When I was in school, everybody used to always say high school and college were so great and that I would really miss them when they were over.  I was like, "Yeah, right.  I'm super cool and grown-up and I'm ready for the real world.  You don't know what you're talking about.  Seriously, I'm like a grown-up already." 

Flash forward a few years to me, sitting at home with my baby, reading Facebook statuses (like me!) about kids going back to school and there I was, getting nostalgic.  Ugh, someone pass the tissues.  Everybody-1, Natalie-0.  I guess I just have to wait a few years until I can live vicariously through my kids, right?  (Kidding!)

This treat is in honor of back-to-school.  A little late, yes, but still relevant!  I L-O-V-E love PB&J.  Love it.  Love it in all forms.  I especially love a cold PB&J.  (I've been known to steal cold PB&Js, so keep yours close, pal.)  A delicious cold PB&J is what inspired this ice cream.  Wouldn't this be the best after-school snack?

You will be the coolest parent if you welcome your kids with this treat after school.  But not every day, because I don't think getting your kids addicted to sugar makes you a very cool parent.  But I do support occasional treats.  Life is just a little happier with PB&J, you know?

PS- Just had a genius idea: this would make a great ice cream sandwich, between two PB cookies!  I must make one ASAP.  It could be the snack of my dreams.

PB&J Ice Cream
Oven Love

-1/2 cup peanut butter
-1/2 cup heavy whipping cream
-2 tablespoons light corn syrup
-1/4 cup light brown sugar, packed
-your favorite vanilla ice cream recipe (I use Dorie's.  Recipe posted here, or you can find it in Baking From My Home to Yours.)
-your favorite jam or jelly (I used grape here)

Make peanut butter sauce. Combine the peanut butter, 1/2 cup whipping cream, 2 tablespoons corn syrup, and the 1/4 cup of brown sugar in a saucepan. Heat over low heat, stirring, until smooth and sugar is dissolved. Chill thoroughly.

Prepare the vanilla ice cream in your ice cream maker.  In a freezer-safe container, layer the vanilla ice cream with spoonfuls of peanut butter sauce and jam.  Swirl with a knife or a skewer, and repeat another layer or two of ice cream, peanut butter sauce and jam.  Top with a final layer of ice cream and swirl.  Freeze until firm.


  1. I'm not sure how I feel about this but my son would go nuts! haha. What a creative idea!

  2. Nuh uh girl you crazy.


    Bring me some in December. Kloveyoubye

  3. now thats an ice cream I could certainly love.....sigh....what a creative flavor! Thanks so much for sharing it with us!

  4. This does sound amazing! I'm also a fan of PB & J...yum!

  5. I have seen some of the cold PB & J's disappear from my fridge...but that ice cream sounds great...I think I might have had something similar when I was a kid ( decades ago ) from Baskin and Robbins

  6. Congrats on making it to the next round in the Foodbuzz competition!

  7. This is simply glorious. It looks so rich and creamy. Why can't ice cream shops make something like this?
