
Tea Time Muffins

When it comes to hot drinks, I'll always choose tea over coffee.  I don't know what it is about coffee.. I love the smell, but I just can't get into it.  I've never been into caffeine.  So when Rhiani picked Coffee Break Muffins for this week's TWD, I made my tried-and-true choice and used tea instead.

Not too long ago, the amazing folks at Yogi teas sent me four boxes of tea to sample.  Four whole boxes!  Amazingly generous.  I've tasted them all in their classic form, and I've been waiting to showcase the tea in a baked item for some time.  These muffins were the perfect fit.  I used Yogi's Aztec Sweet Chili tea for its warm flavors, which I hoped would compliment the cinnamon and brown sugar in the muffin recipe.

(Side note: I LOVE Yogi tea!  They have lots of tasty and creative tea flavors.  I'm a big supporter of their teas for women, but I like their other herbal teas, too.  Check them out!)

I used both dry tea and hot tea in the recipe as replacements for the coffee and espresso powder.  I also added a bit of cinnamon sugar on top.  My muffins baked up quickly in about 15 minutes (I only made 6).  I can't believe I actually waited until they were cool to try them!  I was pleased to find that the tea shined through and you could really taste the flavors.  The muffins were moist, too, which is amazing, since there really isn't much to them!  I will definitely make this recipe again, and I'm eager to try it out with other tea flavors.

My changes to the recipe:
-substitute 1 tablespoon of dry tea for the espresso powder (contents of about 4 tea bags; measure yours to be sure)
-substitute 1 cup of hot tea for the coffee (I used an extra bag when steeping for a stronger flavor)

Thanks for the great pick, Rhiani!

*Tuesdays with Dorie (TWD) is a group of bloggers baking through Dorie Greenspan's Baking: From My Home to Yours.
**Find the recipe at Chocoholic Anonymous. (Look for Coffee Break Muffins)

And don't forget to vote for Oven Love's entry in Project Food Blog!


  1. I love that you used tea! I want to try it this way.

  2. Tea! What a great idea! I loved the reassuring sound of coffee perking when I was a little girl but I never got into drinking the stuff. Next time I make these muffins, I'll try my favorite tea.

  3. Neat variation, and they look stunningly good!

  4. i'm intrigued by your choice of tea! I made mine into coffee cake with chopped chocolate bars on top! Tia @ Buttercreambarbie

  5. Such a great idea. I have seen that brand of tea but haven't tried it yet..have to put it on the list!

  6. I used tea too! Im glad they turned out for you..I loved them!! I wish I would have put the cinn/supar on top.

  7. I'm more of a tea person too, so I love how you re-worked the recipe. They sound delicious.

  8. I wouldn't have even thought of tea for these - I'm glad you came up with a variation that worked for you. Yours certainly look tasty!

  9. a tea version sounds splendid for all those non-coffee drinkers. i will have to try this with my favorite tea as well!!

  10. i am glad to hear that you can sub tea in this recipe successfully! will have to try that next time, as i wasn't a big fan of the coffee version

  11. I use tea in my oatmeal. Love that you put it in a muffin.

  12. Feel the same way about coffee so used tea as well. Masala Chai and loved the spicy flavor. Also made with coffee and cocoa and was surprised i liked them too. Friend sent me some Yogi tea and it is good.
