
Double Apple Bundt Cake

 Today's TWD pick, courtesy of Lynne at Honey Muffin, is the ol' Double Apple Bundt Cake.  It's called double apple because the recipe includes both grated apples and apple butter.  Let me just say- I was amazed to find apple butter in the commissary.  I was under some delusion that apple butter only existed in Lancaster County, PA, handmade by the finest apron-clad Amish and Mennonite women or at the Masonic Village on Autumn Day.  But it appears you can buy it anywhere!  Figures.  Classic Natalie.

This bundt definitely has the fall flavors covered- apple, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger- with some nuts and raisins added in as well.  Mine didn't come out of the mold looking as pretty as I'd hoped, so I whipped up a quick cinnamon glaze to spread on top (a few tbs heavy cream, maybe a cup of powdered sugar, a dash of cinnamon and a splash of vanilla). 

After a little taste and the gorgeous weather, I am full-on ready for fall.  This bundt has also got me wishing and hoping that my girl, Miss Mary, will give us another month full of bundts this year!  If you don't know what I'm talking about, let's just say I like Big Bundts.

 Thanks for the great pick, Lynne!
 (I'll be shoving this out the door with the hubs in the morning so I won't be shoving it in my mouth.)

*Tuesdays with Dorie (TWD) is a group of bloggers baking through Dorie Greenspan's Baking: From My Home to Yours.
**Find the recipe here.


  1. OH my word I need that. Or, rather, I want that! Where does your husband work again, because I think I need my husband to stop by and pick some up!

  2. we'll have to work on a healthier version- this one is like 8 points a slice!

  3. I'm convinced glazes and frostings were invented to hide imperfections. :-) So glad you baked along this week!

  4. I will have to try this. It looks so good and I love fall cake recipes. And anything apple is always good.

  5. This looks great! Love how well glaze covers less than ideal finishes :)

  6. Wasn't this a great cake?! Yours look yummy! - mary
    p.s. You know my love of the Bundt never ends!

  7. Great looking cake! the glaze looks super yummy on the cake! :)

  8. I've never tried using apple butter in a recipe. I usually use unsalted butter or vegan butter. This looks great though! It doesn't look very apple-y but it still looks really good!
