
Womp, Womp.

Remember when I told you about French Fridays with Dorie, the new TWD spin-off group?

 Well, yesterday was opening day for FFWD, and the first recipe was for Gougeres, those tasty little French cheese puffs.  I would have loved to make (and eat!) these, but I was wrapped up in my Project Food Blog bubble and forgot all about it.  By the time I remembered, I was already prepping for my dinner party challenge and couldn't think about adding another recipe to the mix.

I am still tickled to be starting this new group, and I'm on board for Gerard's Mustard Tart this Friday.  Check out all of the yummy-looking gougeres from the FFWD cooks and bakers.  I'll get around to them soon enough, and when I do, it's gonna be like Gougeresville up in here!

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