
A New Patriotic Recipe! Not.

 My fellow Americans,

I was going to share a new recipe with you today, but I just couldn't get on board with it. Didn't have the gumption. There is something strange about this week- I am feeling red, white and blah

I am blaming it on the 4th landing on a Wednesday this year, our town having fireworks on a Monday night (???) and this giant end-of-days rainstorm that hit our house last night. I'm just not into the spirit. Sorry, America- we'll patch things up before Labor Day, pinkie promise!

In an effort to get out of my funk, I'm going to pretend I am having a party today.
Let's plan it out, shall we?

Some things we should have at our imaginary summer bash:

Some kind of fruity drink- my choice would be watermelon limeade, with make-ahead margs a close second.

Burgers are your basic summer party staple. If I was feeling fancy (which I almost always am), I'd set up a burger bar with lots of fun/unexpected-but-totally-delicious toppings. And I won't forget the burger bacon.

We'll also need some excellent sides with summer flavors like BLT corn salad or tomato corn pie.  Let's just make sure tomatoes and corn make an appearance somewhere.

Then of course, there's dessert, which is my hardest choice. My favorites for the Fourth would be this blackberry galette or some classic strawberry shortcakes. You've got to stuff your face with berries on July 4th- there are laws in place for this sort of thing.

You know, I think I'm getting my groove back, America! Thank you, US Government, for employing my husband and letting him sleep in with me this morning (are you listening, kids?). Thank you, ol' founding fathers, for not taking any guff from the King of England and steering your boats straight on over to Plymouth Rock. And most importantly, on the reals- thank you to all who serve so that we can be so free. You never get enough credit.

Funk lifted. Happy Fourth!

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