
Pineapple Orange Julius

The last time we met, I told you about my sugar crisis.
How's it going, you ask?

Well, here's what I've been doing. 
  1. Trying to eat whole foods as much as possible.
  2. Trying not to eat sugar or drink juice. Eating honey/maple syrup in moderation.
  3. Eating plenty of fruit. I couldn't hack it without fruit (and a little bit of dark chocolate).
  4. Not drinking any Pineapple Orange Juliuses. Boo!

So, it's going pretty well, you guys. I haven't caved and baked a giant cake yet, so that's positive. I debated whether or not to share these yummy drinks with you, but I hate to withhold a good recipe from my treat-loving people, so here we are. I made these before my foray into more healthful eating, but I don't think they're too terribly bad. Unless you count the juice concentrate (check your labels to make sure you're actually buying juice and not just frozen HFCS). 

Whatever the sugar content, they'll definitely take you back to your middle school days, most likely spent roaming the nearest mall with your girlfriends and talking about your crushes until your mom picks you up (just me?).

If you aren't into the pineapple, stick to plain orange juice concentrate. Or mix it up with some other flavor to build your dream Julius- sky's the limit.

PS- I finally joined Instagram! If you want to see random pictures of food and my children, find me at @natalieherr (same as my Twitter handle).

Pineapple Orange Julius
by Oven Love, adapted from The Family Kitchen

  • 6 ounces pineapple orange juice concentrate (you can make the rest of the can into juice or save for later)
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon orange extract (optional)
  • 2 tablespoons honey (use a light-colored honey if possible)
  • Place all ingredients in your blender. Add ice to fill and blend until frothy. Serve immediately and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Am I missing the part that makes it pineapple? Is it supposed to be orange pineapple juice concentrate? Just making sure I'm not crazy. ;)
