
TWD: Thumbprints for Us Big Guys

This week's TWD is Thumbprints For Us Big Guys, chosen by the Ugly Food Dude.  They are super easy cookies- I just made them like 20 minutes ago, and here they are!

I made 1/4 of the recipe and used almond meal instead of hazelnuts, since I that's what I had on hand, and it's about 40 times easier than going out to find hazelnuts and grinding them up.  I used strawberry filling, but I'm regretting it a little and wishing I would have just filled them with Nutella.  Next time..

Thanks for the quick pick, UFD!  I think they're really cute and look like little jewels.  Here's hoping I'll be too busy for next week's TWD..

*Tuesdays with Dorie (TWD) is a group of bloggers baking through Dorie Greenspan's Baking: From My Home to Yours.
**Find the recipe here


  1. These were really easy! I used almonds. They are tasty.

  2. They do look like little jewels! I used raspberry jam and really liked it. Nutella sounds good too!

  3. Feel free to ship us some. They look amazing!
