
Peach Sorbet

Second new obsession (after grilling, obvi): sorbet.

I've learned a lot about sorbet since my first batch of strawberry a few weeks back.  My brother and sister-in-law are huge AB fans, so we ended up watching his episode on sorbet and ice cream while they were here to visit.  I learned that the size of the ice crystals make a big difference in the consistency of the sorbet, so it's an absolute must to chill the mixture before putting it in the ice cream maker.  I made this peach sorbet after learning this information, and it totally changed the outcome of the recipe.  It was much smoother and creamier.. it almost seemed like ice cream, but there was no dairy in the recipe at all.  Bonus!

Do yourself a favor and watch the AB episode here.  I think he can convince you to drop your Ben & Jerry's habit and put your ice cream maker to work.  Then, find the Chocolate Gourmand's recipe for peach sorbet below.

Oh, and also, I've lost 9 pounds this month on Weight Watchers.  It must be all the sorbet and brisket and ice cream pie.. did I mention I love Weight Watchers?

Peach Sorbet

juice of 1 large orange
juice of 1 lemon
4 cups fresh sliced peaches (about 16 small peaches or 10 large peaches)
1 1/3 cups sugar
2 tablespoons limoncello (optional)
3 tablespoons Grand Marnier (optional)

Mix together ingredients.
Juice one large orange and one lemon and pour juice into blender. Wash peaches and peel with a small knife. Remove pit and slice peach into smaller chunks before dropping into measuring cup. Once you have 4 cups of peeled and sliced peaches, dump them into the blender. Add sugar (start with just 1 cup if your peaches are really sweet), limoncello and Grand Marnier. Puree in blender until well blended, about 1 minute. It's OK if the puree is a little frothy, but don't over-blend. Taste the puree for sweetness. Add more sugar to suite your taste. Keep in mind it will taste less sweet when frozen, so make sure it is a little on the sweet side. I always pass the sorbet through my chinois out of habit, but since very little residue was left behind in the chinois you could skip this step and nobody will notice.

Chill base and then freeze in ice cream maker.
Chill mixture in ice bath until less than 45° F. Pour into ice cream maker and freeze according to your maker's instructions. Once chilled, remove from ice cream maker and place in dedicated (odor-free) container to let ripen in the freezer for several hours. Because of the alcohol, it will always be a tiny bit soft.


  1. Seriously, this peach sorbet was AMAZING! Nat - can you post the recipe? I'm sure your fans will want to try this one out... In fact I bought some Georgia peaches at a roadside stand on the drive home ane will definitely make some sorbet - just have to make room in my freezer!
