
TWD: Tender Shortcakes

Nothing says summer like strawberry shortcakes!

Nothing says Oven Love like forgetting the sugar in your strawberry shortcakes.

Luckily, this Dorie recipe was delicious, even without the extra sugar.  This week's TWD recipe is Tender Shortcakes, chosen by Cathy at The Tortefeasor.  Cathy's blog is super-cute.  Here's a secret, though- I don't know how to pronounce tortefeasor.  Or what it means.  But it's super cute!

Back to the shortcakes.

I made teeny-tiny shortcakes, which proved to be quite hard to split, so I ended up making more of a shortcake parfait.  It was so yummy that I didn't even realize I forgot the sugar until I was figuring out how many WW points the recipe would be.  (Side note: Dorie's recipes are like a million WW points.  But I love her anyways).

De-lish.  Loving summer.

*Tuesdays with Dorie (TWD) is a group of bloggers baking through Dorie Greenspan's Baking: From My Home to Yours.
**Find the recipe here.


  1. Yes, this is one recipe I would enjoy even without the sugar. It really is hard to go wrong when a recipe is mostly butter and heavy whipping cream!

  2. Hey, put enough sugar on the strawberries, and you won't be able to tell it's missing from the biscuits. =) It looks like everything turned out great!

  3. When I was doing WW last summer, I would figure out the total points in each and every Dorie recipe, weigh the whole recipe after it came out of the oven, then calculate the per-ounce points value of each dessert. In most cases, the points value was in fact something like a million. :-) But I love her anyway! I guess it's all about moderation (which can be hard to do when these amazing treats are sitting right in front of you!) Anyway, your teeny-tiny shortcakes look just fabulous! What a great presentation! Thank you so much for baking along with me this week!

    (Oh, and a "tortfeasor" is a person who commits a tort, like negligence, fraud, etc. I don't think I ever even heard the word tortfeasor until torts class in first year law school. So "tortefeasor" is a play on "tortfeasor," and I picked it because "torte" was dessertish, and I suspected based on my history that some of my dessert-making would border on negligent. Superdork here!
