
TWD: Brrrownies

It's TWD time, people!

This week's pick is Dorie's Brrrownies, chosen by Karen of Welcome to Our Crazy Blessed Life.  This was an easy recipe for me to complete, especially while out of town, and I am so thankful for that!  We're staying with a dear friend (and bachelor) who is a little low on the baking necessities, so I was glad that all I needed was a bowl, a pan, and a whisk.  The recipe called for York Peppermint Patties, which I've always enjoyed (another Hershey's product making me nostalgic for home).  I used the York pieces instead of the actual patties, though, because

a) I was too lazy to unwrap all of the patties.
b) The pieces were cheaper.
c) They're sort of whimsical.
d) People seemed to have problems with the patties melting.
e) They're Penn State themed?
f) I stole the idea from The Baking Sisters.

It was a split decision.  I had to go for it.  And it worked!  I had no problems, aside from a little light blue residue from the candy coating on the edge of the brownies, which I cut off anyhow.

I tried the brrrownies warm and cooled, and I definitely prefer them cooled.  They're too fudgey at first.  Wait for them to cool, and all this minty deliciousness comes through.  Perfecto.  I took them over to a friend's just to get them out of my grubby little paws.  I sort of wish I could feed them to the dog, they're dangerous!

P.S. I heart Weight Watchers.  Who else lets you eat brownies on their weight loss plan?
P.P.S. I've lost 20 lbs in two months!

*Tuesdays with Dorie (TWD) is a group of bloggers baking through Dorie Greenspan's Baking: From My Home to Yours.
**Find the recipe here.


  1. great pic with the brownies sitting on top of the bed of peppermint pieces. lovely and crative!

  2. Wow! Congrats on your WW success! I'm a big fan and a huge believer in that plan. Just got back on the journaling wagon today! Keep up the great work. Oh...and nice brownies!

  3. These look great! Love the picture of the brownies with the candy!

  4. Your brownies look terrific! I love the way you can see the little blue candies. Congratulations on the WW! I lost 20lbs through that programme a few years ago. I wouldn't hesitate to use it again in the future :-)
