
Voting is Open for PFB Challenge One!

 Voting is open for the first PFB Challenge, "Ready, Set, Blog!"

To vote for Oven Love, click the button in the top right of my page that will take you to my profile.  On my profile, you'll see "My Trophies" on the left side.  Click the first trophy.  You'll be taken back to my post where you can click "Vote for this Entry."

Or, just click here.  This link should take you right to the voting page.

Voting is open from today until September 23 at 6PM Pacific Time.  

400 Winner will be announced on September 24 and will advance to the next challenge.
Thanks so much for your support!


  1. Just stumbled on your blog and love it. I gave you an award over at my blog, I hope you'll come check it out!


  2. Homemade Spaghetti-O???? you got my vote! :)

  3. off to vote for you, too!! Thanks for your vote for moi!
