
Inside the Oven [No. 2]

Hi, friends!
This is what's new.

  • This is a picture of baby girl sleeping on the Strasburg Railroad. We took the kids to ride the train (complete with lunch at the Red Caboose) and they loved it! If you are ever in the Lancaster County, PA area and your kids (or you) love trains, you should really check it out. It makes for a fun day. And stop at The Creamery, too.
  • During Easter weekend, my family and I celebrated a little differently this year with a Christian version of the traditional Jewish Seder meal (the Seder plate is pictured above). It was a beautiful reminder of God's promises and how He has fulfilled them in Christ. (It also reminded me of the wonderful Seder hosted a few years ago by my dear friend Andria, whom I love and miss so very much.) My sister-in-law went above and beyond with the meal and the preparations.. it was a very memorable meal. 
  • Remember in my last Inside the Oven post where I mentioned my running program? Well, I fell off the wagon on our trip. What do you do to stay motivated to do your workouts (especially when you're a tired mama)?
  • Favorite recent pin? Roasted Peach Lemonade. Sounds amazing! Better believe I will be roasting something soon and turning it into lemonade.
  • I just started reading My Life in France by the one-and-only Julia Child. I forgot how much I like reading! Anyone having any good book recommendations? (I have not read The Hunger Games yet. For some reason, I feel that is mandatory to tell people now. Like when you meet people, you should say, "Hi. This is my name. I have/have not read The Hunger Games.")
    •  A few women and I shared our testimonies at our MOPS group yesterday and I loved the quote that one of them mentioned. It went something like this- "When you hit rock bottom, it's because God wants you to know that He is the Rock at the bottom." I hope that is an encouragement to you today!


        1. We had a seder this year too and it made me miss you even more. I even had your and Nick's names in the margins in places. Did you get the blanket and onesie I mailed?

          Miss you!

        2. You have a book on its way to you—hopefully it'll get there soon. I'm jealous over the roasted peach lemonade you're going to make and the fact that you get to snuggle with that adorable little girl every day.

          I'm loving taking a look "Inside the Oven." :)
