
For Mr. Oven Love

Mr. Oven Love,
Today is our anniversary and Father's Day is Sunday and I just need to say a few things.

First of all, thank you for keeping me around. I do not deserve you!

Thank you for fiercely loving and protecting me and the littles.

Thank you for being our handyman, our dishwasher (more often than I give you credit for), our door locker, our garden tender, our chicken caretaker, our bug/roach/mouse attacker, our story teller, our dance party leader, and our Captain, of course.

You do not get enough credit, and you probably never will. (I'm working on it!)

I am hopeless at reminding you how much you mean to me and what a great dad you are.

Elliott and Lucy are the luckiest. They have a daddy who cares about a very long list of things so that they don't have to worry or be scared or want for anything.

You get more and more handsome each year. How do you do it?

God has used our marriage to grow us both tremendously. How lucky are we? Each day I am surprised by the way He keeps blessing us. It's mind boggling.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all the acts of service that go unnoticed and the messages that don't get through my thick head. I appreciate you and don't tell you enough.

You are my person.
I cherish you.


  1. I chuckled at the comment about having a door locker. Isn't it such a blessing that there are things you don't have to think about in the day? My husband was out of town for a week recently and I was taken a aback by not having him there to check the door locks! I even drove off without closing the garage door!
    What a blessing Goldy men are to us!
