
Joy's BLT Corn Salad Wraps

Here are some things I'd like to say about this heat wave.

  1. Something is not right when your properly-working-AC is chugging along 24/7 just to keep your house under 82 degrees.
  2. RIP to four of our chickens. Four! 108 degrees is brutal. And sorry to whatever poor garbage man has to pick up our trash tomorrow.. ugh.
  3. Yesterday was the first time I swam in a lukewarm pool. And it was before 10AM. And it was refreshing.
It is madness!

Thank goodness for the brilliant JTB for coming up with this gem of an idea. It's actually very similar to this Corn, Crab and Tomato Salad I made last summer, but is has bacon. Which in my book is light years ahead of crab on the deliciousness scale (which is definitely a real thing). After an hour in our outdoor bath (I can hardly call that thing a pool. I mean really), this was the most refreshing plate imaginable.

I am usually not a big fan of lettuce cups (so messy and usually filled with disappointing ground meat of some kind), but it was the perfect way to serve this salad. There was something great in each bite- sweet corn, creamy avocado, savory bacon- all wrapped up in the cool, crisp crunch of a lettuce leaf. I would eat this anytime, but it would be particularly wonderful to serve in a picnic setting or after some kind of hot, summer activity.

If this heat wave continues, I am stocking up on bacon, lettuce, tomato and corn and not coming out of the house until it's below 90 degrees. 
(So I guess I'll see you in September!)

BLT Corn Salad Wraps
via Joy the Baker

  • 3 ears of corn, shucked (she charred hers, I did not)
  •  1 cup cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
  • 1/2 cup chopped green onions (I used white onion here)
  • 1 avocado, diced
  • 3 sliced crisp cooked bacon, diced
  • juice of 1 lime
  • about 1 tablespoon olive oil (I used roasted garlic grapeseed oil- YUM)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • a good sprinkling of chili powder and smokey paprika
  • butter lettuce or iceberg lettuce leaves
  • hot sauce and sour cream for topping
  1. Shuck corn on the cob of all their husks and strings.  Over a gas burner, or on the flame grill, char raw corn.  Rotate corn until cob is charred on all sides.  Allow corn to cool before slicing corn kernels from the cob.  This invariably creates corn shrapnel all over the kitchen counter.
  2. Add corn kernels to a medium bowl.  Top with sliced cherry tomatoes, green onion, diced avocado, and diced bacon.  Squeeze in lime juice.   Top with a bit of olive oil, salt, pepper, and slices.  Stir to combine.  Taste and re-season accordingly.
  3. Rinse and clean individual lettuce leaves.  Serve alongside a bowl of corn salad to serve.  To enjoy, scoop corn salad into lettuce leaves, top with hot sauce, sour cream, fold up like a taco and eat em up!

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