
Hot Dogs and Soft Pretzels: It's Baseball Season!

It's spring, people! Baseball season is here!

If you don't know, I'm a Phillies fan. Love them. (If you don't believe me.. check out these cupcakes!) So I had to find a food-related way to celebrate Opening Night. We needed a little taste of home out here, so I made soft pretzels and homemade rolls for hot dogs.

This was my first attempt at making homemade pretzels and rolls- I'm kind of on a bread-making kick. I have to say, I wasn't 100% satisfied with the pretzels. I've decided to make it my quest to find the perfect soft pretzel recipe- so look forward to more of these! They didn't rise like I had hoped, and they weren't as doughy.. lots of issues. Kind of like the Phils last night- far from perfect, but I still loved them in the end. (Recipe here.)

The rolls are pretty awesome! They're from The Bread Baker's Apprentice. Soft on the inside and the outside.. way better than store bought. I made half hot dog rolls, and half round buns. It took a little kneading, but it was worth it! (Recipe here, page 265.)

Loved the hot dogs! I'm a ketchup girl myself. Nick goes for ketchup and onions. I know some people who just eat them plain (crazy, right?). No matter what, hot dogs mean baseball.

Here's to the first of many hot dogs this season. Let's go Phils!


  1. Yahoo for baseball, but GO CUBS:) I love making soft pretzels, have never tried buns before. They look perfect!

  2. Yummy! Steve and I were just watching the Good Eat's Pretzel episode and eating soft pretzels over the weekend (Didn't make them from scratch yet, once my pre-made are gone I'll give it a shot).

    One thing he did was to put the pretzels in a bath of boiling water and baking soda for 30 seconds, before baking. That's supposed to give that crunchy exterior but keep the inside soft. I'll have to give it a shot.

    Another funny fact that he shared was that Philadelphian's ate 12 times the national average.

    So that must prove the fact you're truly Philadelphian :)

  3. Both the buns and the pretzels look amazing and delicious.

    If you are looking for another pretzel recipe, the one from King Arthur Flour is wonderful.

  4. What a wonderful way to ring in the new season! These look lovely! Go Angels and Dodgers! :)

  5. I should still be full from Easter dinner, but after reading your blog I'm hungry all over again! I love pretzels!
