
Inside the Oven [No. 1]

I'm starting a new little series for you guys this week called Inside the Oven. It's basically just to give you a peek into what's going on in our lives at the Oven Love house, not just what we have on our plates! I'll probably share pictures, thoughts, links.. whatever I think might be interesting to you (and hopefully it is). Here goes!
  • Hubby and I went blues dancing for the first time this weekend. My brother-in-law and his sweet girlfriend are into the dancing scene (swing, blues, etc) and took us along. It was fun and brought back some good memories for us (we had our wedding reception at the venue), but it was also similar to couples therapy at times- some activities are not quite the same after you get married, you know?
  • This week, I'm starting Week 6 of the Couch-2-5k Program. Anyone out there do the C25K? I like it because it gets you back into running without burning you out right away. I am getting dangerously close to the part where there is no more walking in the workouts.. time to put my big girl pants on!
  • I really enjoyed this article recently- 10 Ways for Moms to Respect Their Boys. I spend a lot of time thinking about discipline, but respect is just as important. A good read for moms of boys!
  • Are there any gardeners, homebrewers or homesteaders out there? I'm looking forward to sharing some of business that's going on in our backyard and in our closet (gotta keep that brew in the dark!) if you guys are interested. Maybe you'll get to hear from the hubs, too- he's the green thumb and the master brewer, after all.
That's all for now. If you have any questions, comments or inquiries for me, please share below- I adore you all and love hearing from you!


    1. I'm really going to enjoy this series. Y'all went blues dancing?! Sounds like fun. Heath and I have been wanting to go dancing again since a wedding we attended recently. Also, I'm looking forward to reading the article about respecting boys.

    2. Homesteader/Gardener right here! Looking forward to seeing what you've got!

    3. This is like having "in the herr house" back again...I love it
