
Inside the Oven [Vol. 6]

Happy Monday to all of you out there!
It's a fine evening to be scrolling the interwebs.

I haven't caught you up on all of the (super interesting) goings-on of the past few weeks, so get yourself a snack and settle in for some good, old-fashioned over-sharing!

  • I have been hitting the 'ol Instagram app pretty hard, you guys. The iPhone is a fantastic time waster, is it not? If you want to see pictures of blurry, moving children and my lunch and dinosaur staring contests and other little snippets around the Oven Love household, follow me on Instagram (and Twitter, too!) @natalieherr. Let's be pals.
  • I just purchased this print above (like 20 minutes ago, seriously) and I'm in love! Reasons why- it's an excellent verse, you can print it at home and your purchase of just one little print provides 83 MEALS for families in need in the Sudan. How cool is that? Visit Joy's Hope to see all of her designs. 
  • The Great Sugar Reduction Project (worst made-up project name ever) is continuing along. We've gotten most of the processed "health" foods out of the house- I was fooled into thinking some of it was good for us just because it was organic or whatever. False! As an ex-PR person, I should know that it's all smoke and mirrors. So now I'm re-learning how to be patient in preparing food. Slow food is good food. Unless you're hungry.. then slow food is irritating/why-won't-you-cook-faster food. Working on it.
  • Speaking of the sugar thing, Heather from Southern Pink Lemonade and I are hatching up a plan for a great blog event centered around eating real food. I think it will be great for people who are looking to get into it but don't know where to start. Look for more info soon!
  • Did I tell you we lost a few chickens to that nasty heat wave a few weeks back? Our flock is down to 7 ladies. We are hoping to add some more soon.. mama needs some eggs!
  • Baby girl just turned six months and we've started solid foods. I forgot how messy/gross/seriously messy the whole process is.. but she's my child, so naturally I think she is too cute with all that mess on her face (somehow this does not apply with other people's children). We've been going heavy on the bananas, avocado and egg yolks. And by heavy, I mean her bib after she's done spitting out all her food.
That's all the over-sharing I've got in me today, you little dream boats!
I'll be back tomorrow to link you up to MPMK for some good snacking. See you then!

1 comment:

  1. Inside the Ovens are my favorite. Love you. Love seeing Lucy eating it up :)
