
Peaches and Peppers

What I have for you today is simple.
Just peaches and peppers. An easy side dish.

It never occurred to me before that peaches might complement peppers, but somehow they do. I sauteed the peppers in grapeseed oil (you can use whatever fat you fancy) until soft and added in the thinly sliced peaches just before the peppers were done.

This is a smart combination for the grill, too- you can drizzle halved peppers and peaches with oil, grill them until they're soft, then slice up and serve alongside your main dish if you're not in the mood to use the stovetop.

Keeping it simple today.
No muss, no fuss.

Peaches and Peppers
by Oven Love

  • 3 medium/large bell peppers, cored and thinly sliced
  • 1-2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, grapeseed oil, butter, lard, coconut oil or other cooking fat
  • 2-3 peaches; peeled, pitted and thinly sliced
  • Heat a medium skillet over medium heat. Add cooking fat to the pan and heat through (when the fat is hot enough, it will sizzle when you flick a little water into the pan). Add peppers and cook until soft. When the peppers are just about done, add in the sliced peaches, toss, and heat through. Serve immediately

1 comment:

  1. I made this last night and it was delicious! Thanks so much! I never would have thought to put them together.
