
Do I Get a Pass Card?

No Apple Apple Bread Pudding for TWD this week.  (Check out the recipe at Cake or Death.)  Here are my excuses:

1. I have no bread, apple butter, or heavy cream.

2. I would go to the grocery store, but my sweet little two-month-old just got his first shots today and I want to keep him at home.

3. I would leave the little one at home with my husband, but he's away at training in Alabama.

So it's just me, the baby, and no ingredients.  

Do I get a pass card?


  1. Yep, you pretty much get a pass for the next full year, LOL.

  2. You definitely have a pass card!

  3. Of course you get a pass card! Shots and babies crying! Poor thing.

  4. You can have anything you want, Nattie :-)
