
Green Beans with Tangy Mustard Vinaigrette

Umm.. summer is great.  Except for the heat and humidity.  That's kind of a downer.  But otherwise, it's great!

We are becoming obsessed with the grill.  Confession time: we bought a Weber grill last summer, but didn't grill on it at all until this year.  I am now regretting the months and months of delicious grilled goodness that I've missed.  

Another confession:  I'm basically a charcoal grill snob.  It's amazingly delicious and the only way to grill.

Back to the point of this post: green beans.  Sides are super important when you're grilling.  Because let's face it, even though it would be great to eat grilled meat every day, it's probably healthier to add some veggies to the meal.  The easiest thing of all is to just throw the veggies on the grill with your meat, but the second easiest thing is to steam up some veggies and toss them in a vinaigrette.  I just threw together this vinaigrette this afternoon and I love it!  It adds a nice kick of flavor to some otherwise plain greens.  A perfect side for your (charcoal) grilled delights.

Happy summer!

Green Beans with Tangy Mustard Vinaigrette

1 lb green beans, washed and trimmed
juice of 1/2 lemon
1 tbs mustard (whatever type you like, I used spicy brown)
1 tbs honey
2 tbs olive oil
kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper 

Steam green beans for about 5-10 minutes, until cooked through.  While beans are steaming, whisk lemon juice, mustard and honey in a medium bowl.  While stirring, add olive oil slowly to create an emulsion.  Add salt and pepper to taste.  Add hot green beans to bowl and cover with vinaigrette.  Serve immediately.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog!!

    P.S. - You better get used to the heat and humidity.... it never ends in Georgia :D
