
Bake-N-Blog: A Figgy Failure.

I was so excited for this Bake-n-Blog event today.
Excited to get over my fig issues and try out this delicious treat.
Ugh.  Fig fail.
I didn't even try to make it pretty for you.

They started out looking so yummy.. BOTH times I tried to bake them.
Now, you know I can bake a cupcake, people.  I did it for a living!
But I've never put jam in a cupcake before the bake.  Only after, by hollowing out the center.
Something is wacky with this recipe.

All of the fig preserves sunk right to the bottom of the cupcake liner.  
BOTH times.
And BOTH times, the cupcakes rose too high and fell, leaving them looking super ugly.

So long, figgy failure.
(Is it weird that you just saw my trash?  Sorry if that's weird.)

Here's the recipe if you want to try it out yourself (click to enlarge).
I just don't know how that fig filling stayed in there!  Mysterious.

I still loved this one day bake-n-blog idea.  I might steal it soon.
Check out the other bakers- I imagine they were more successful than I!
Great idea, Staci!


  1. Oh my word, I am head over heels in love with that Bake-N-Blog idea and wish I saw it earlier...like a month ago earlier. I'm sorry yours were a fail though, it's always sad when cupcakes don't actually bake right. I have 24 of them in my trash can right now for the same reason :(

  2. Bummer! I think we have all had a failure or two... Love the Bake N Blog idea, will have to try to see if she is going to do it again!

  3. hey! not sure if you want to try it again, but i just baked jelly filled cupcakes last week (lemon cake with raspberry jelly) I used just a teaspoon or so of the jelly and pretty much put it on top of the filled cupcake and then covered it with a little more batter, it sunk, but not all the way to the bottom!

  4. I'm sorry it didn't turn out, but I'm glad you shared it with us. It's good to remember that other people have baking failures too!

  5. Hi - you could have whizzed up all your failures and made figgy rum balls ! Better luck next time !!

  6. How disappointing! I'm sorry it didn't turn out. Being a baker, do you have any other good ideas for the fig preserves? They sound so good...

    Angela (cupcake #7)

  7. Oh no! sorry they didn't turn out. I had jam in mine - however when mixing everything my batter became super thick (not sure how that happened). When I put them in the cups I put a little layer down, then a spoon full of jam and then the top layer of batter & turned out ok. wonder if when baking the jam the batter needs to be thicker? I definitely know how it feels to be so confident with a baking project and have a complete failure! I made croissants once and they turned out to be bubbly pools of butter. However, you're picture looks divine :)

  8. Awwww, I'm sorry to hear your cupcakes didn't work out :-( Maybe try them again and cut out the tops to put in the jam.

    Or better yet, try making cupcake #32 instead!! They're super easy to make, and they're delicious!! :-)

    I hope you enjoyed the overall Bake-n-Blog experience in spite of your figgy failure. I think it would be great for you to do a similar baking even on your blog :-)


  9. So sorry for your cupcake experience :( I love the garbage picture!

  10. Well, now I don't feel so bad for failing with your TWD pick! Actually, though, the first picture looks nice. Most of my jam disappeared rather than sinking. Weird.

  11. I'm so sorry you had such trouble!
    I'm glad you are not totally turned off, and still like the bake-n-blog! :)
    Thank you so much for joining in!

  12. Ah, what a bummer! I hate it when my hard work of cooking or baking ends up not so great!
    You are a trooper to try it twice. I definitely would have given up after the first attempt.
    I just checked out your cupcake blog too and I'm AMAZED! You are awesome.

  13. Oh I'm so sorry to hear your cupcakes didn't turn out! No one can say you didn't try! : ) And I didn't mind seeing your garbage at all.

  14. Oh no. That is disappointing. This recipe made my mouth water. I love figs.

    I found my recipe (#28) to be slightly off as well. A few missing ingredients, an interesting icing ratio, a few vague instructions, etc...anyway, mine turned out well in the end.

    Let me know if you host a bake-n-blog in the future--I had so much!

  15. That's a bummer. I love your honesty though. I now know NOT to try this one! But I agree, the bake-n-blog even was fun!

  16. Shoot.
    Figgy cupcakes sound kind of weird to me. You were BRAVE to try them. Thanks for being the guinea pig and reporting back!!

    I'm headed to check out the rest of your blog now. Nice to "meet" you!

  17. So sorry your cupcakes didn't turn out very well. Your should try some of the others...I love that you tried!

  18. what i've done in similar cases is to bake the bottom first for like 5 minutes, then proceed with the rest of the filling and batter

  19. I have not tried this recipe but I have tried another jam in cupcake recipe and it was a major fail as well. I guess I'm glad to see that I am not the only one but sorry your had failure as well!

    just came across your blog!
