
Jeni's Ice Cream

I was so excited to find this box on my doorstep last week!
Frozen treats?  Yes, please!

The sweet folks at Jeni's Splendid Ice Cream in Ohio sent me four flavors to try out- Riesling Poached Pear Sorbet, Lemon Blueberry Yogurt, Salted Caramel Ice Cream and Goat Cheese with Roasted Red Cherries Ice Cream.  Drool fest, I know!  Jeni's is all about fresh ingredients, so I was very excited to give their flavors a try.

Even in the Georgia heat, the ice cream arrived truly frozen, encased in styrofoam with dry ice.  I couldn't believe how well it traveled.  Jeni's sends their ice creams anywhere in the US- not many companies do that!

First up: Riesling Poached Pear Sorbet.  I really enjoyed this flavor!  I got the Riesling note first, but then a strong pear flavor comes in right after that.  It's a great summer treat; very sophisticated.  It would be a fun addition to a little party with wine, cheese and chocolate.

Second: Goat Cheese with Roasted Red Cherries.  This was my absolute favorite.  What a surprise!  I have never experienced goat cheese in this way, but I think my new goal in life is to replicate this ice cream.  Jeni's says it's like "a cherry cheesecake, but even better," and I think they're absolutely right.  I would choose this over cherry cheesecake any day.  I chose it straight out of the container last night, but that's an issue for another post.

Next up: Salty Caramel.  I have to say, I'm a little disappointed by this flavor.  I had such high hopes for it!  Instead of a deep caramel flavor, I got more of a burnt coffee taste.  That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it wasn't for me.  I think maybe I would have liked it a little sweeter.

Lastly, Lemon and Blueberry Yogurt.  I liked this one, too.  Yummy and fresh, a nice light option for the end of the summer.  Beautiful purple-blue swirls.  Would be great with a little sugar cookie, or maybe over some grilled pound cake.

I'm so impressed with Jeni's.  Their ice creams are so well made.  They have tons of signature and seasonal flavors- check out their blog for the latest flavors and news.  A care package of these ice creams would be such a great gift- maybe for a birthday, or someone who just had their tonsils out!  And if you're ever wondering what to get for me, it's Goat Cheese with Roasted Red Cherries.

PS.  I'm obsessed with ice cream this summer, I know.  Are you sick of it, or are you also obsessed?  I still have a little (ha!) summer left down here in GA, so you might see some more ice cream before the year is through.  My apologies to anyone who can't eat ice cream.  Hopefully you haven't given up on me!


  1. What fun it must have been trying out all of that goodness?!

  2. oh my gosh yum. i could never get sick of ice cream. Jeni's is definitely on my list of ice creams I must try before I die.
