
Mayfield Dairy: World's Best Ice Cream?

We went to Mayfield Dairy!  Have you heard of this place?  Maybe you've seen their yellow containers in your grocer's freezer.  They're a super successful dairy with the "world's best ice cream," or so says Time Magazine.  

We stopped on our drive down I-75 from Ohio to Georgia.  Obviously I had to confirm that they were indeed serving the world's best scoop.

We got there two minutes before closing, so I had to make my flavor decisions hastily.  I wish we could have taken the dairy tour and checked everything out, but at least we got to sample the goods.

We went with black cherry and chocolate chip cookie dough.  I wanted to try something new and something classic. 

First up: the black cherry.  This flavor was so much better than I could have imagined.  Seriously, I loved it.  Can you believe I've never had cherry-flavored ice cream?  I'm ridiculous.  

Next up: the cookie dough.  I had high hopes for this flavor, but it wasn't my favorite.  Not enough cookie dough, too many chips.  I kept going back to the cherry.  Can I say it again?  The cherry was so good.  I want to replicate it.  Or maybe I'll just buy some, since they sell it down here in GA.  It really is good stuff.

And just because we're talking about sweet things, here are my two sweet things.

(ignore the strange Dollar Store driving sunglasses.  he's so good looking, right?)

(the sweetest.  get yourself one of these.)

Have you ever been to Mayfield Dairy?  Or have you tried any of their flavors at home?


  1. Everything looks yum! Especially Ellie Jay!

  2. Oh my gosh, I was so excited to see Mayfield's dairy on the top of your blog. I'm an Eastern Tennessee girl, and I do swear by the stuff. For some odd reason, I have never toured the factory. But my father did work there packing ice cream back in the seventies. I'm glad you enjoyed their ice cream. I hope one day you make it through for a tour.

  3. Lori! How cool is your dad? My dad used to do audits for Hershey's Ice Cream in the seventies, but that's not as cool as actually packing the stuff. If I'm ever driving through again, I'm definitely going to stop for the tour.

  4. Growing up in Ohio we traveled to Georgia all the time on I-75. We would stop and get Mayfield ice cream all the time! I think it's tasty but since I'm a Northwest Ohio girl I think Toft's ice cream is the best :)

  5. I would like to point out that the Time Magazine article doesn't proclaim Mayfield as "the best ice cream in the world. It's a huge article talking about local ice cream producers and shops, including then smaller Ben and Jerry, Blue Bell, Haagen-Daaz, and various other places from around the United States. You just have to read the entire article.

    Here is the link

    Honestly, I think its misleading to put that on their sign when an elementary school student could figure out the intent of the article.
