
TWD: Gingered Carrot Cookies

Fact: I thought these were going to just be cookies that taste like carrot cake.  WRONG.  I started second guessing as soon as I realized there wasn't any cinnamon in the recipe.  Scandalous, Dorie!

That doesn't mean they aren't good.  They're actually very good.  Unexpectedly good.  I wanted to put cream cheese frosting all over them (like Holly did) and use up all my points for the day eating them, but somehow (magically), I only ate two.  They're gingery, but not too gingery.  The perfect amount of gingery-ness, I think.

Oh, and I switched out the pecans for the walnuts, because that's how I roll in carrot-cakey recipes.

Thank you, Natalia, for your choice! (We're almost name twins, we should be friends.)

*Tuesdays with Dorie (TWD) is a group of bloggers baking through Dorie Greenspan's Baking: From My Home to Yours.
**Find the recipe here.
And don't forget, lovies- my pick is coming up in just two weeks!  Can't.  Wait!


  1. What fun! I'd love to try making this!

  2. Ciao Natalie !! Thank you for joining me this week ! I'm so very happy you loved them !! We'll be far friends is that ok ?

  3. what a lovely shot of the cookies. Glad you enjoyed them!

  4. I liked these too, with cashews and ice cream. Can't wait for your pick!

  5. This recipe was such a great surprise. I loved them.
