
Rainbow Cake

Yesterday, I showed you a big fat slice of Rainbow Cake and I didn't give you the recipe.  How rude!

I've seen rainbow cakes before (like Aleta's!) and I've made rainbow cupcakes, and I've drooled over this crazy rainbow cake experiment, but Whisk Kid's rainbow layer cake was so stunning, I just had to make it.  I love the way it looks!

You can find Whisk Kid's recipe here, and she also has a great Swiss meringue buttercream tutorial.  Here are some tips I would add about making this cake:

-Be very liberal with your food coloring if you want the layers to turn out looking vibrant.  You need gel food coloring for this; you will not get the look with liquid coloring.

-I wasn't sure about using lemon extract in the frosting instead of my usual vanilla or almond, but it works very well- really tasty.  Just enough lemon to make it interesting.  Definitely use it!

-Whisk Kid is right- there is A LOT of butter in this recipe, but what are you gonna do?  It's dessert.  Go big, or go home.

-Make sure you use a good amount of frosting in between the layers so you can see it when you slice the cake.  Too little frosting will make it less visually appearing.

-Lots of people ask me if I doubled this cake recipe. To tell you the truth, I can't remember, but I'm pretty sure I just followed Whisk Kid's recipe. I usually make a point of telling you guys if I changed anything. I think my layers turned out looking thicker because I cut it cold and the frosting doesn't cover up the colors in the photos. But then again, I may have doubled it.. I'm sorry that I can't remember!

I loved making this cake, and I got great reviews from everyone that's tried it so far.  This would be an excellent choice for a birthday or celebration cake.  And it keeps putting this song in my head..

(Again, recipe here.)


  1. My stomach literally just growled when I saw all of those pictures. I don't know why I would ever need to make this cake, but I do know I will be making it sometime in my immediate future. It's way too pretty not to share it with other people!

  2. That cake is absolute amazing!!! My daughter would go crazy for it. I love your pictures... the one of you eating it is just great! I will have to save this page and show Liv when she gets home. Or maybe not... there's no time to make it tonight and I know that will be her first thought! Nicely done!

  3. I saw this, or something like this, on martha stewart a couple months ago...maybe on her color episode? Now sure, however, yours looks stunning!

  4. That cake looks amazing and so fun!

  5. You did an amazing job! Wow! I'm in love (with the cake lol).

    Question-- your layers seem thicker than Whisky's... how much batter did you use and how many cups per layer? I would love to make this cake for my daughter's upcoming 3rd birthday.



  6. Wow!!Your cake looks so yummy..Nice dish made by you..good work..Thanks for sharing with us!!
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  7. WOW! how did you get your layers so thick? did you just double whisk kid's recipe? plz let me know cuz im hoping to make it next week for my little brothers birthday :)

    plz email me at dramalama2@hotmail.com

  8. wow this rainbow cake is awesome!! didi u bake every layer separately???
    thankyou :D

    1. I think 2 layers at a time. (maybe)

  9. Hey saw one of you images here>> http://www.facebook.com/bestflavours with out any credit given, not suprising, came across their website full of pics from pinkcakebox, Andrea's Sweet Cakes and a load of others on flicker, all in their portfolio section!!! bugs the hell out of me

  10. OMG your cake is amazing. Your my hero!!!

  11. So excited to make this cake for my dtr's 4th birthday party next month! Can you please, please email me and tell me if you doubled the recipe to get the layers thicker? hollicoaker(at)yahoo(dot)com

  12. Thought some of you might be interested to know i made a cane sugar free option of this same cake for my daughters 1st birthday ;D

    I replaced the sugar in the cake with Raw Honey.

    And unsure how to make a white 'sugar free' icing option i decided to make it chocolate, and used coconut sugar and cacao powder and mashed with cream cheese. And added a little honey and milk to thin it out to the right texture...

    It was beyond yummy! Everyone loved it! And, the kids didn't get hypo and miserable from all the chocolate ;-D

  13. I have to admit that this is the best rainbow layer cake i've seen! The color are fantastic and the layering is perfect. I must try this sometime very soon, I will make sure to give you all the credit on my blog when I become brave enough to try it. :)

  14. Hi,your cake looks amazing and i'm about to make one for my daughter's 3rd biirthday...so...i was wondering...how did children like the taste of the cake? Is it dry or soft? And the last question, can i put sliced banana in the frosting or some other fruit? Thank you very much for your responce

  15. Bosnia RS, I didn't make this for a birthday party, so there weren't any kids who ate it. It's moist- not dry, I can assure you that. Feel free to add fruit to the frosting layers, though banana might get brown and slippery- I would probably stick with berries or stone fruit.

    1. Thank you very very much:) this means to me a lot...so you think that some berries are better over banana?!even though you did notmake it for a party and children weren't there, what is the best choice,from your experience...what woul be the best choice of fruit for kids to lovethe cake....
      You are definetly the best,thank you once more...i think that people around here will go crazy when they see the colorful cake

      I wish you everything the best in whatever you di

  16. Hi Natalie, I love this cake, it is possibly the coolest piece of food I have ever seen! I run a popular calories website called www.calories-in-foods.com, this is a 100k unique visit site per month and still growing. I am looking at creating a recipe section where I will add pages with a recipe promoting a blog or website for the recipe owner. I would love this cake, or one of your recipes to feature in it. Check the site out and get back to me @ stevendavidwright@gmail.com . Thanks
