
Pimento Chevre Grilled BLT

Dear Pimento Chevre Grilled BLT,
I never expected to like you.  You are surprisingly delicious, and also very hard to photograph.
Love, Natalie.

Friends!  The awesome folks at Belle Chevre sent me some delicious goat cheese to sample, just in time for a post during National Goat Cheese Month (there's a month for everything, nowadays).  Belle Chevre has a ridiculously cool selection of goat cheeses.  Like, stuff you never thought existed.  Example A: Pimento Chevre.

(P.S. Chevre = Goat Cheese).

Now, only weeks ago, Rebecca from Ezra Pound Cake posted this homemade Pimento Cheese sandwich and I wanted to barf.  I mean, nothing against Rebecca, she's a peach, but the stuff just gives me the heebie jeebies.  Just not for me.

Then, OF COURSE, what shows up on my doorstep?  Pimento Chevre.  And I decide that it would be rude not to try it.  Southern hospitality and all.

Luckily, Belle Chevre included a recipe for a Grilled Pimento Chevre BLT.  I've been obsessed with BLTs all summer, so it seemed like a reasonable thing to try.

Umm, wow.  This stuff is good.  I thought BLTs could not get better, but they just did.  I don't know if you could hack this at home, but you should probably just buy some straight from Belle Chevre or Foodzie.  Genius.  I now have a serious crush on this sandwich, and Belle Chevre.  They also sent me a honey-based goat cheese spread (called Belle and the Bees, adorb!) which I plan to make something delicious with ASAP.  Get your goat cheese on before the month is through!

Grilled Pimento Chevre BLT
from Belle Chevre

4 slices good quality bread
4 slices bacon (I used six, sue me)
small tomato, sliced
4 tbs Pimento Chevre (I used two, because I was scared I would hate it)
1/2 cup arugula (I used butter lettuce)
1/2 tbs butter

Fry bacon until crispy.  Spread pimento chevre on two slices of bread, then layer with arugula, tomato and bacon.  Top each with remaining slice of bread.  Heat butter in pan over medium heat.  Fry sandwiches until golden on each side.


  1. Can you save me and Papa Bear some of that stuff...it looks awesome.

  2. I think you've just sold me on something I never thought I'd buy. And maybe the sandwiches were hard to photograph, but they look delicious!

  3. Natalie, glad that you liked your samples!! This sandwich is awesome on some crusty sourdough and with the assistance of a pannini press!!
