
TWD: Oatmeal Spice Shortbread

This week's TWD pick was actually called Espresso Chocolate Shortbread, picked by Donna of Life's Too Short Not to Eat Dessert First.  I decided to go with Dorie's "playing around" version, removing the espresso and chocolate and adding oatmeal and yummy spices.

Dorie's shortbread recipes are pretty basic as far as ingredients go.  The only real issue is making sure you don't over-mix the dough and that you chill it long enough.  If you don't worry about those things, you might see some spreading when your cookies come out of the oven.  I had a little spreading, but not too much.

For some reason, my brain miscalculated and I made 64 teeny tiny cookies instead of 32 larger ones.  It's okay, though, since they look super cute and I can eat more of them!  Of course, I love anything with oatmeal in it, but it was the spices that really made this recipe for me.  The fresh nutmeg was intense and flavorful, and got me ready for fall, even though it's somewhat far off for this Georgia girl.

Everyone's versions look delicious, whether they went with espresso chocolate or oatmeal spice.  Make sure to check out the TWD blogroll to see all the different creations!

*Tuesdays with Dorie (TWD) is a group of bloggers baking through Dorie Greenspan's Baking: From My Home to Yours.
**Find the recipe here.


  1. Ciao ! I really love your pictures and wat to try your version !!

  2. Your oatmeal version looks so good! I had such a good time visiting your blog here and seeing all of your yummy posts! Love the rainbow cake and the adorable photo of you on your sidebar!

    So glad you stopped by my place and left a comment so I could come by to say hi!

    Kindly, ldh

  3. OOhhh finally the Oatmeal version! I have to try this, they look yummy!

  4. You're right -- they do look super cute!

  5. I wanted to try this version, and will now that it got such a good review from you!

  6. Your cookies look so tasty. I was a bit surprised by how blonde these were, but I'm sure that means they are a lot of fun! I originally found them to be much more bland than the espresso chocolate cookies, but as time progresses the flavor melds and gets more rounded - I wouldn't exactly say it gets stronger, just that it is more of a front note than immediately after baking. Thanks so much for baking with me, this week.

  7. Great pictures! I love your little bite-sized cookies. I made the espresso version, but now I want to try these oatmeal ones. =)
