
Simple Watermelon Limeade

Oh, fruity summer drinks.  How I always long to drink them without thinking about calories or sugar.  I almost always exercise restraint and drink water at restaurants, never indulging.  Then I saw limes and watermelon on sale at the commissary and threw caution to the wind.  Watermelon limeade was happening, and soon.

This is so straight forward that I feel silly acting like it's a "recipe."  Think of this as more of an idea post to get your wheels turning for your end of summer parties.  It's really just watermelon and lime juice, and a little bit of sugar, but I think they serve it in Heaven. 

You can dilute this with water and serve it as a Watermelon Agua Fresca, which is lighter on the cals and will make you sound like you know your way around the back of the bar (in a good way).  Another choice, of course, is to add a splash of tequila after you put your screaming baby to bed, which might make you look like you know your way around the bar in a bad way, but you can own it.

 Doesn't really matter how you serve it.  It's bound to make you love summer just a little bit more.  And that's something I need to master in the land of never-ending summers.

 Simple Watermelon Limeade

1 three pound watermelon, trimmed and cut into chunks (this is just a guess.. I just eyeballed a good amount of watermelon, maybe 4 cups of cut fruit)
1 cup fresh lime juice (anywhere from 4-8 limes)
1/2 cup sugar

1. Puree watermelon in a blender until smooth.
2. Dissolve sugar in 1/2 cup hot water, either in a small saucepan or in the microwave.
3. Strain watermelon puree, lime juice and sugar syrup into a large pitcher.  Add water as needed.  Chill in the fridge until cool.  Serve over ice with a slice of lime.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds and looks heavenly!! I will have to try it sometime!
