
Sun Tea

 Don't you love life's simple pleasures?

Water + tea + sun + time.  That's all you need to make sun tea.  I love the simplicity of it; watching the tea turn from clear to dark and delicious.  It's great for summer when the sun is plentiful and lots of people have a taste for tea.  I used this amazing sassafras tea that I adore.  It tastes like root beer and is naturally sweet with no calories.  Can't argue with that!

This requires no work, so try it anytime.  Unless it's dark.  Then you're out of luck.

Directions for making sun tea:
Add loose tea or tea bags to water (I used 1/4 cup loose tea for a quart).  Place your container in a sunny spot for 4-6 hours or more, depending on how dark you want your tea.  Strain tea or remove tea bags; chill and serve.


  1. I'm a bit concerned because sun tea has the tendancy to create bacteria, particularly for the length of time that you're suggestion. Check this out and not that you have to change your blog, you may just want to alter the length of time with which you suggest steeping. http://www.snopes.com/food/prepare/suntea.asp

  2. I've been thinking about sun tea and plan on making some this summer. My grandmother (Sara Jane) used to make it all the time. She had these jugs that could go from the sunning to the fridge and then you could then pour the tea right out of its spout. She sometimes put orange slices in as it was "sunning."

  3. Looove sun tea, and haven't made it in forever. When I lived in Arizona, we'd make it outside. Hmm... Might have to make some this week. :) And sassafras tea?? Nom! Do you special order this?

  4. People have been making and drinking sun tea for hundreds of years. The whole idea of it harboring bacteria suggests that the water had bacteria in it to begin with - which is what we should be screaming about, instead of bashing people that post about sun tea on their blog.
